The Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs is recognized as the largest, oldest, and most influential organization representing law enforcement professionals in Washington State. We are committed to protecting the rights and quality of life of law enforcement officers through legislative action, legal defense, and the provision of quality long-term disability, life, and other insurance products. WACOPS membership is made up of law enforcement guilds from across the state. The more agencies involved, the stronger voice we have.

WACOPS has a long history of collaboration and problem solving. Our members are the best peace officers in our state and each of them is in a constant state of retraining and reform. There is no profession that adapts and changes as professionally as law enforcement. As a membership, WACOPS has never refused to better understand issues or refused to come to the table and participate in appropriate reforms. Law enforcement labor is respected in Olympia because WACOPS will do the hard work, honor relationships, and engage in challenging conversations required of such a noble and essential profession.

The priorities of WACOPS fall into three categories: pension, collective bargaining rights, and officer safety. Having this clarity of mission is important because it allows for us to focus our expertise, human resources, volunteer resources, and political capital on the matters that our diverse membership can generally agree. Our members should always be able to ask questions, participate in policy development, and express their views. Our bylaws ensure it. Having a clear mission and identified priorities provides our leadership a clear map and provides our members confidence in our approach. This clarity helps to protect our organization from becoming conflicted on policy issues impacting the profession.

With 60 years advocating in Olympia, WACOPS has a long, successful track record of navigating the twists and turns of the legislative process. You will find that we use every tool available to us and weigh those options carefully because we want to be clear with the legislature about the priorities of our members across the state. Likewise, we want our members to know they can trust us to represent them with honesty, integrity, pride, and professionalism. Together we work with influential law enforcement labor advocates leveraging our skills to affect change to some of the most short-sighted and dangerous legislation to impact public safety and the law enforcement profession. We are stronger together and investing in WACOPS makes that so.

Executive Board and Staff
Overview of Benefits


     WACOPS is a proud affiliate to the International Union of Police Associations (I.U.P.A)